gosimply.com Now Provides Street View For Airport Parking
Wednesday, March 31st, 2010 by CaseySo here’s the deal. The gosimply Brain Trust were sitting around one day, furiously generating cranial heat, when someone said “Hey! If you were a hotdog…would you eat yourself? It’s a simple question; a baby could answer it: If you were a HOTDOG…would you EAT yourself?”
Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Wow! Those gosimply folk really know their stuff!”, and you’d be entirely correct, because out of that same Great Commune of Minds came the idea you’re about to hear.

See the car park with Street View at gosimply.com!
Have you ever been trying to find some place you’ve never visited before, and would love to know what it looks like so you can recognise it when you see it? Would you like to be able to at least get an idea of surrounding landmarks that would help you know when you’re getting close to your destination?
Well, if you’re looking for an airport car park, rejoice! gosimply.com has now incorporated patented Google Street View technology to let you, dear customer, view the car park of your choice with just a few clicks (and maybe a couple o’ “drags”).
That’s right, you can now view around 70% of the car parks we currently offer using Street View. (The other 30% don’t have Street View available yet, unfortunately. We’ll keep an eye on that and let you know.)
So, not only can you now see the entrance of the car park and its surrounding area, but also get an idea of where your vehicle will be stored before you make your booking. How helpful is that? (Here’s where we’d like you to say “Very!”)
If you don’t mind us tooting our own sousaphone, we might add that we’re the first to offer this, too. So next time you’re in need of airport parking, visit gosimply.com and take advantage of our Google Street View feature. Then really push the boat out and treat yourself to a hotdog (we recommend the brown mustard).
Wherever you’re going, gosimply.