Top Things to Remember When Choosing Your Travel Insurance
Written by AndySadly, it’s a thing we all need and can’t really live without and is an essential for every travelling trip you embark on. From covering lost valuables to paying medical bills, getting the travel cover that is right for you and your budget can sometimes be a tricky thing.

remember to have your insurance documents in a safe place so you know who to contact
There are so many companies out there with so many policies, you have to spend a lot of time reading long winded guidelines just to get a vague picture for what you are covered for. Along with different activities and different levels of cover, you should always make sure you’re not just blowing loads of cash on a travel insurance that will not do you any good in your hour of need.
Below we have listed a few points to consider when you are looking into purchasing your next travel insurance policy. This will hopefully save you a few pounds that will let you enjoy spending your cash on more fun things, other than travel insurance.
Medical Stuff
Although most travel insurances cover you for illness whilst abroad, many don’t cover pre-existing medical condition and illness that you incur due to them. Always read the fine print when choosing between policies especially you need a cover that will help you out with anything pre-existing and otherwise whilst out on your trip.
Lost and Stolen
Every insurance company will have different policies and guidelines for this so make sure you know exactly what the terms and conditions are for you losing, damaging or having anything stolen. Sometimes companies will not cough up if they feel you have been neglectful of the said item(s) you are trying to claim for or some clauses need you to provide a receipt of purchase of the item(s) before anything can go through. It is all things that you should be aware of before you set off on your trip, so you can take the right documentation and evidence with you just in case.
Extreme Activities
A lot of insurance policies will not cover you for such things as motorcycling or snowboarding for example. If you know you will be taking part in such activities whilst on your trip, you must check that you will be covered in case you endure an accident whilst doing so. Such extreme activities are considered high risk, so be prepared to pay a bit more for your travel insurance overall.
Legal Fees
Anything can happen whilst your away – absolutely anything! And it is not always because of your actions or anything you have directly/intended to do. Make sure your travel policy has a good amount of legal fees that can be covered in any situation so that you don’t find yourself being locked up in some foreign jail with no representation – not a pretty ending to anyone’s trip!
Getting Home
Always make sure your travel insurance covers you in the event that you have to return home early due to an incident abroad or at home. It is such a relief when you can just give someone a call in an emergency and they will take care of booking everything and getting you on the next flight home – well worth the money!
Most travel insurers are very comprehensive and really come through for people aboard in their hour of need. But don’t be caught out by cheap or gimmicky insurers who may not cover you for everything that you need them too and who will leave you high and dry when you need them the most! If you are looking for trustworthy travel insurance, we happen to compare all the best insurers right here at GoSimply.
Tags: budget travel, insurance, medical, Travel