gosimply.com Reveal Hidden Dragon in the Den
Written by Caseygosimply.com has today unveiled the face behind its recent “Guess Who?” contest. Visitors that correctly identified the dragon behind the smiley logo were treated to some exclusive travel discounts, including 15% off travel insurance, 10% off airport parking, hotels and lounges and 5% off car hire.

James Caan with gosimply.com's, James Burrows and Tim Hagger
Now that the contest has closed, we are pleased to announce the hidden face belongs to James Caan of the popular BBC2 programme Dragon’s Den!
Just as Mr. Caan invests in people who demonstrate the potential for success, we at gosimply.com take pride in offering our customers the simplest means of booking their travel extras to ensure their holiday’s success.
Company directors James Burrows and Tim Hagger, had the pleasure of meeting with James Caan recently – although according to some gosimply.com customers, they could have equally been face to face with Alan Sugar, Duncan Bannatyne or even Simon Cowell! Perhaps they were more crouching tiger, than hidden dragon…
Congratulations to all of our winners, commiserations to the unsuccessful participants, and a big thank you to “Dragon” James Caan for the use of his picture.
Keep your eyes open for bigger and better competitions from us here at gosimply in the future, and have fun being one of the smart people who gosimply.
Tags: airport hotels, airport lounges, airport parking, car hire, Contests, Dragon's Den, James Caan, travel discounts, Travel Insurance, travel insurance discounts